Host image with unlimited bandwidth in Blogger

I had many problems hosting my template images.Any templates I use, most of them are hosted in photo bucket which is free and reliable. But the problem with photobucket and many other free image hosts is their bandwidth limitations. Once, you exceed a specific amount of bandwidth, your images won’t show, instead.. an irritating ‘ bandwidth exceeded’ image shows. Not only me, but other blogger template designers are also struggling to find a reliable, free image host with unlimited bandwidth.
And I found that I was myself not seeing the things just in front of me. It’s our very own .
I found it is easy to host any image in as it has unilmited bandwidth and also it is reliable one.
Since then, I am recommending every blogger to host their image in their own blogpsot account.
Wanna know the secret?

Here is the trick..

As usual, create a new post in blogger and upload your template images to that post… but don’t publish it (we are actually uploading image through blogger)


Once you completed uploading all the images, switch to html mode and search for the image source. It begins like this:


Don’t get confused with the image link and image source.

For the image above, you’ll have the HTML code like this:

<a href=”” imageanchor=”1″ style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;”><img border=”0″ src=”” /></a>

The GREEN URL is the location of your image not the RED URL
You may me illused about both the code being similar. But watch closely you’ll see something difference in the BLUE codes 🙂

I’ve been using this trick since some years. come up with same solution and I also thought this trick will be a lot easier than that of

Hope this trick will be useful to many people who are searching for unlimited bandwidth image hosts.

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